Anger and Adoration

Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008

He was a composer, his name is not important because nobody knows him, only his variations over a famous children-song in the style of the great composers during the centuries is known and liked, more or less it is quite famous.

Early in his youth he started playing the piano, his father had inherited an old Steinway from his grandfather but never played because he hadn´t the courage, disturbing a Steinway with tinkling - unthinkable! The son wasn´t shy he havn´t a feeling for the heavy importance of the piano, Steinway ment nothing to him so he was free to discover the land of music on himself. The whole family wasn´t educated in music so they couldn´t see the talent their son shows immediatly, bus as usual in such cases, there was a competent uncle...

I´m 20 now and I started studying music with first instrument piano and second clarinet. Since I´m 16 I´ve composed concerts and bigger things like messes and fugas. But nobody is really interested, they hear them, give mostly a very positive feedback and - forget about them immediatly. No publisher wants to print them, no opera- or concertleader thinks about performing them in his institution, it´s ashaming and frustrating. What can I do? What are the reasons for their behavior? Will there be a time sooner or later, where it will all be changed, where I will be known as a famous composer and my music, my ideas and thoughts expressed in it will be plaid everywhere in the world in operahalls, in the radio and all my former friends and comrades will listen and understand?

- Hey, what´s wrong with you?
- oh, nothing
- you´re looking really depressed and gloomy, can I help you?
- no
- come on, we´re friends, aren´t we?
- well o.k., I´m thirty now and noone is interested on my composition
- midlife-crisis? (they both laugh a little)
- perhaps not at all wrong. Others in this age can "proudly present" the results of their life, and I...?
- there are all the fantastic pieces you´ve composed during the years
- which nobody wants to hear
- that´s wrong and you know it
- all right, there are my family, their friends, my friends, who like them when I´m playing them in an intime little circle, but that´s it.
- your music will survive and perhaps later there will be a generation who can understand it better than we all can. It´s not satisfying, I know.
- classical music is so conservatic, there´s no chance of becoming as accepted as the whole glorious "century-composer": Mozart, Beethoven, Strauß, Tschaikowsky, Wagner, Verdi and all the others. There´s no place any more in the music-heaven. And when you´ve plaid them so often and are so familiar with their composingstyle, they are sometimes too ridiculous.
- hey, what´s about showing this exactly the audiance?

The day was there, the musichall was completely full of all sorts of people and they all listened with joy and amusement to his satirical work. He has composed what his friend had offered and he knew it was good work. Most of the audience were regular classic-hearer and familiar with the famous, they reckognized every intended composer he had imitated in his special and ridiculous way immediatly, it was fantastic seing the people listen and after a few notes or tacts smiling, whispering the name to their neighbours. When the last variation was over they crazily applaused standing-ovations and flowers were given to him: the composer who was sensitive enough to feel himself into the manner of nearly every famous composer.

I´ve given them what they liked: the famous composers and their music. I´ve presented them by exaggerating their style so that everyone could laugh about them. But I´ve killed myself, I´m a nothing my own compositions will die as my name and there will be nothing from my work, my thoughts, feelings, ideas and pain, except this imitation, a joke.

Are you disappointed? Are you cynical? Do you think you´ve wasted your life because nothing of yourself will stay? Don´t! If you are able to laugh about the seriousness of the stars, laugh about yourself with the same heartyness, your joke will be immortal and we, the later generations will love you.

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