Anger and Adoration

Montag, 27. April 2009

Where is death? Who of the "normal people" has directly experienced how a human being or an animal dies? Who has consciously experienced, what it means to dy, how something lively changed into something dead? Who still knows, how to slaughter a chicken or a pig, how to shoot a deer or a hare, how an old drivelling grandmother pass slowly lingering illness and dies in the end?

We grow up into a clinical clean surrounding, where no blood, no dying, no death seams to exist. The meat we eat lies hygienically packed in refrigerated shelves of the supermarket and in its small and compact form doesn´t remind of the animal that it was before and had to be killed. Even near relatives dy quiet and secretly somewhere in an old people´s home or unobtrusive and hidden in a hospital, for not inquiering or dismaying others.

At the same time we are flooded with blood, dying and death. TV, radio, internet permanently report on war and destruction, pictures of bleeding corpses, children in shreds, burried people are part of our daily life, they build the horrible background when we work, eat, tidy up. The deaths are there and not there, frightening real and unreal, the connection between perception and feeling is cut because of the indirect conveyance of neutral media.

This seems exactly to be the key, that the difference between game and reality cover up, that crime and consequences, killing and dying are separated. A human being who hasn´t seen, what it means to cut off the chicken´s head or to shoot a deer and then to see how the animal really dies, eats its chicken McNuggets without thinking and plays moorchickenhunting. A human being who never has seen how life dissappears out of a person is still sure that warcraft is necessary to secure peace and cannot feel that every single warvictim is already one too much.

Shock and dismay on terror attacks or amok runs is hypocritical if it is only concentrated on the offender, he just re-establishs with his action for himself and all the others a connection between perception and feeling, it is in small what happens daily in big, directly in front of our eyes but normally separated from our sympathy. Show children death again, take them to hunting, let them experience what death and dying really means. But also show the grown-ups death again, send politicians directly on the battlefield, let them see people teared to pieces and dying.

Death will never be routed out, it is part of our life. Because we try to ignore this basic fact and hide and gloss it over and emotionally exclude it from daily life, the inexplicable can go on directly in front of our eyes. Children and youth just let us see into a mirror. We can turn away with shiver and damn and punish this lost youth or at last accept the challenge, look in and confrontate us with our own horrible grimace of the offender.

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