Anger and Adoration

Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

Is this really the town I lived in for 3 years? The longest time I ever stayed at one place? I´m here waiting for something or someone, I don´t know exactly what I exspect but there´s nothing.

Nothing at the college I studied so long. I walk through the building surprised and astonished, it looks strange after the years of being away, I hardly recognize the rooms where we sat, student by student, heads deep on our papers, writing everything down the teacher said in the first semester, writing hardly nothing down in the last. There are still teachers I know, older now but doing exactly the same in exactly the same way as in our times.

Nothing in the streets I so often wander along that I nearly could walk through them with closed eyes, noone I know, noone I even want to know. The shops are the same, the book-shop I often went in just to destroy myself, to read into the new books when I had time between two courses or during lunch-time. There´s the music-shop where I bought piano-notes for my sister and there´s the shoe-shop, I never bought shoes there but I liked to look at these really strange shoe-models I never would be able to wear.

Nothing in the café where I was so often in the evenings after a long day, drinking my cup of tea there and observing the other guests. There are still many guests there, some quite interesting to watch at but I´m a stranger here, except the waiters noone knows me. There´s not the happiness about the "lost son´s return", no friends waiting for me, I´m alone, what am I doing here?

This is the town I lived in for 3 years, a real long time, lifetime which never will come back again, and I´ve exspected to feel something when I return after years elsewhere. I´m a fool, a dreamer, don´t I remember the time there? I was a stranger when I lived here, I am a stranger now, nothing has changed, how could it, I never had friends here, so nobody can wait for me now. I dreamt of "home" but I know I´ll never find it, I hardly know what this word means. I´m awaken in the crispy coolness of reality and there´s nothing.

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